What is AFFTA?

The American Fly Fishing Trade Association is a community of fly fishing businesses joined together under one banner. That community makes up a powerful trade association. This trade association represents, fights for and unifies our industry around the values and ethos found within those who make up the industry. Without this type of representation the fly fishing industry would not have the power, voice or recognition it currently does, everywhere from Washington D.C. down to the smallest fisheries in the country. The AFFTA community and banner provide strength, advocacy, conservation and innovation.

AFFTA’s mission is to guide the sustainable growth of the fly fishing industry through Trade Development and Stewardship.

How Does AFFTA Operate?

AFFTA utilizes these committees to provide oversight and feedback on the issues that matter to the businesses of fly fishing

Executive Committee

The charge of the EXCOM is to develop a strategic plan for the Association and oversee the business and affairs of AFFTA to accomplish the mission and objectives of the Association.

Membership Committee

The Membership Committee is tasked with increasing membership and adding value by developing and offering member benefits that promote the growth and success of member businesses and the industry. Current benefits are reviewed annually and renegotiated if needed. New benefits, or proposed benefits are presented at quarterly board meetings for approval by the Board. Implementation of benefits and communication to AFFTA membership is done by the Membership Committee with support from AFFTA staff. The committee reviews and sets membership categories and annual rates annually.

Nominations Committee

Throughout the calendar year, AFFTA’s Nominating Committee shall work to identify qualified individuals to fill upcoming Director vacancies; specifically targeting members to fill the designated member(s) categories. In selecting nominees for election to the Board, the Nominating Committee shall give due regard, and act in good faith, to assure that the membership of the Board accurately reflects the segments of the fly fishing industry as described in Article VI, Section 2.

Government Affairs and Alliances Committee

GAA is charged with monitoring current and emerging public polices, fostering relationships with members of Congress, other conservation and recreation agencies and organizations, and state and federal government leaders to ensure that fly fishing interests are represented when public policy decisions are made.

Marketing and Communication Committee

The Marketing and Communications Committee is charged with overseeing the marketing function of the Association by developing and managing existing and alternative member recruitment programs. The committee is also charged with developing ways to best share news and information and to foster a dialogue on issues important to the fly fishing industry.

Finance Committee

The Treasurer shall serve as the Committee Chairman. The Executive Director shall be a non-voting member of the Finance Committee. The Finance Committee is charged with overseeing all financial matters of the Association. In an effort to keep AFFTA Board Members and Officers better informed on the financial condition of the organization, financial reporting is completed by this committee on a monthly basis. The Finance Committee, in consultation with the Executive Director, prepares an annual budget that is approved by the Board prior to the start of each fiscal year.

Show and Summit Committee

The focus of the Show and Summit Committee is to work on creating a compelling and profitable industry trade show (Confluence) and to develop an event focused on educational opportunities for the industry (Industry Summit).

Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Committee

The DEI Committee was established in late 2020 to help AFFTA be a leader in Diversity, Equity and Inclusion practices to benefit the membership with those practices and resources.  We believe that we can successfully be leaders in DEI work for the industry and provide not just practice the work ourselves as a staff, board and our own companies, but also provide resources including but not limited to a toolkit of content, seminars and eventually a contact list of consultants and other folks for companies that want to go further in their journey to work with.

Who is AFFTA?

The Officers of the Board

  • Corinne Doctor


    Manufacturer- North Point Brands

  • Jin Choi


    Retailer- St. Pete’s Fly Shop

  • Nick Conklin


    Manufacturer- TFO Rods

  • Joe Wolthuis


    Manufacturer- Scientific Anglers


  • Beth Brennan

    Media- Tread

  • Harris Buddig

    Manufacturer- Patagonia

  • Hilary Hutcheson

    Retailer- Lary’s Fly and Supply

  • Joe Wolthius

    Manufacturer- Scientific Anglers

  • Nick Conklin

    Manufacturer- Temple Fork Outfitters

  • Hogan Brown

    Guide- HGB Fly Fishing

  • Patrick Berry

    Association- Backcountry Hunters and Anglers

  • Tyler O'Neill

    Individual Affaliate

  • Ryan Hamilton

    Manufacturer- Far Bank

  • Jillian Tisdale

    Retailer- Seven Mile Fly Shop

  • Corinne Doctor

    Manufacturer- North Point Brands

  • Jim Bartschi

    Manufacturer- Scott Fly Rods

  • Tim Volk

    Manufacturer- Lamson

  • Jin Choi

    Retailer- St. Pete’s Fly Shop


  • Lucas Bissett


  • Chelsea Parker


  • Dominic Bruno



  • Matt Mullin

    Capitol Hill Advisor

    High Street Strategies

  • Kenji Haroutunian

    AFFTA DEI Consultant

    Kenji Consults